Thursday, November 26, 2015

Use Neem to Treat the Dandruff Problem

How to Use Neem to Get Rid Of Dandruff

Dandruff is one of the most common hair problems these days faced by teens. They always look for a product of remedies to get rid of dandruff. Today we are describing the benefits of Neem (Azadirachta indica) because it has natural properties which treat dandruff effectively. Neem leaves are full of anti-bacterial property. If you are suffering from diabetes, skin allergies, skin pigmentation problems, dandruff, itchy scalp, dry scalp, acne and pimples then Neem is very useful for you. The good thing is about neem is that you can use it internally and externally both.

How to use Neem Leaves to get rid of Dandruff

Here are some Neem recipes for hair is given:

Recipe 1: Neem, Yogurt and Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds strengthen the hair follicles and makes hair shiny. Yogurt is a good hair conditioner. Hair pack of Neem, Yogurt and Fenugreek seeds stops the itchiness and dandruff. Take equal quantity of neem leaves, yogurt and fenugreek seeds, make paste of it and apply it on hair. Leave it for 1 hour and then wash it off.

Recipe 2: Oil of Neem and Coconut

Neem oil reduces the dandruff and it also nourishes the hair as well. Mix 1:3 proportion of neem oil and coconut oil respectively. Give a gentle massage on your scalp of this mixture and wash after 20 min.

Neem oil reduces the dandruff

Recipe 3: Use of Neem Water

Neem has anti-fungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which keep dandruff, skin and other scalp problems away. Take 40-50 green neem leaves and put them in boiling water. Boil them till the color of leaves changed. Leave that water overnight. Next morning wash your hair with that neem water. This process will reduce the itchiness caused by dandruff.

Boiled neem leaves for hair care
How Boiled Neem Leaves look

Recipe 4: Hair Pack of Neem Leaf
You can directly apply neem leaves on hair to reduce the problem of dandruff. Take some fresh neem leaves and make thick paste of it. Now add some honey and water into it. Apply this pack on your hair, keep it around 30 min. and then wash it.
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