Thursday, January 8, 2015

Hair Care Tips for Smooth and Silky Hair

Hair Care Tips for Smooth and Silky Hair

Author: Prem
As the chills started setting in and hair started getting frizzier, we all knew it had to be the season to take out razais and the winter wears. Now, apart from the inconvenience of wearing those extra pieces of clothing in and out of your special office wears or party wears, the fact that it is also the season that leads to blockage of your shower drains due to extra shedding of hair, has to sink in sooner or later.

As the winters hit, you might feel more inclined towards thanking your stars for the end of the summer and the sun damages that it had been causing for the past quarter of the year, however you hair problems haven't ended yet. The environmental issues are still there, the holes in the Ozone layer are nowhere near a proper solution yet and the UV rays of the sun have more chances of hitting you now when you are more likely to keep out in the sun due to the chills that you have been feeling.
The added disadvantage however, is the fact that the air is drier as compared to other seasons leading to frizzier hair.  So, you would better hit the brakes before thanking all your gods for the end of all your problems, which is of course if you love your hair above everything else, just like any other human being on the planet does.

Every single human being on the planet who has been in love with their hair, are bound to be deadly scared of the two extreme climates that we face and have been talking about for the past few minutes, summer and winter. Since the summers have quite recently ended and the winter gods are almost at the top of their power, let us know more on how to take care of your beautiful locks to ensure they survive the season without a lot of lasting damage.

Issue number #1: Dandruff
Winters take out almost all the moisture out of the air, leading to dry air further leading to itchy and dry scalp. This dry and itchy scalp is bound to get extra dry and flaky as the time passes. Taking care of hair in such extreme conditions might get difficult leading to excess hair fall, if you do not know how to take care of your hair.

The best possible solution in such conditions is using as much hair oil as you can. Remember to warm them up a little bit to have better results. Adding some freshly squeezed lemon to the warm oil and massaging the mixture to the scalp has been known to provide much better results at the end of the day. Shampoo 1 or 2 hours after the massage and you should be good. A regular application of warm hair oil mixed with lemon is capable of taking care of dandruff completely.  Although, remember not to step out in the sun with the lemon still in your hair.

Issue number #2: Frizzy hair:
Winter leads to a lot of static due to many different reasons causing frizzy hair. Your sweater, pullover, gloves, caps, and scarves, all are bound to add to the static happening around you, thereby leading to be the top reason for the frizzy hair, which in turn leads to hair breakage.
The best and most natural solution to this is using a vented hair brush which uses a combination of boar and plastic bristles. The other solution to ensure a reduced frizz in the hair is to wash your hair only with lukewarm water and avoid hot water completely, as it increases the dryness of the scalp. A leave-in conditioner can help you keep your hair smoother for longer.

Issue number # 3: Reduced shine and bounce of the hair:
Apart from smooth and silky hair, the other eligibilities of healthy hair include shine and bounce of the hair. Winters are more likely to take away that as well. The best solution for reduced bounce and shine of hair is ‘Honey'. If you want the bounce and shine of your hair back you just cannot say ‘no' to ‘honey'.

Remove the tangles of your hair by brushing them and then apply honey to the roots of your hair. Cover up the hair using a towel or shower cap. Leave it as it is for about 30 minutes and then wash it off using lukewarm water. The application of honey works more like a treatment for damaged hair and you are bound to end up having shinier and bouncy hair once you go through it.

Apart from the above tips, few general tips for ensuring healthy and shiny hair these winters include:

1-    Warm up any hair oil you use to massage your hair, just a little.
2-    Ensure you dry your hair completely, after washing them.
3-    Conditioning your hair is a must for the winters to avoid dandruff.
4-    Try keeping out of too much of sun, possibilities of sun damage are still there.

Winters are the times that require you to take excess care of your skin and hair. Ensure you do not skip on the ‘take care' part or you might end up regretting the decision more than you have ever regretted anything else. Grab the opportunity to excessively moisturize your skin and excessively condition your hair. A good conditioning in this season might help you get your hair that extra length or that extra inch of thickness that you so long have been waiting for, truly. You can also try some hair color product that keep your hairs safe in winters.

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